MIDNIGHT DANCE is released on February 26 on ALL Worldwide streaming services! LISTEN to it here!

MIDNIGHT DANCE is released on February 26 on ALL Worldwide streaming services! LISTEN to it here!
My first acid jam using Behringer TD-3 and RD-6 and also the Behringer Crave! Some additional FX, and “live jammed” mostly for fun, after unpacking. Video made by me. Have fun!
Here is a small ZIP-file with 16 WAV-files and a MPJ-file for the Roland MC-101 Grooveboox. The WAV:s (and the MC-101-file) are samples created by me, in the Fantasy Console Pico-8. Feel free to use these samples any way you want. Have fun!
Check out the pre-launch page of “CRUNCHY”, my upcoming Kickstarter for a lofi wild chiptune cassette tape! “CRUNCHY” is 45 minutes of pure weirdness – cool bleeps from Behringer Crave, bitcrunched 808:s from MC-101 and freaky freakiness from Arturia MicroFreak – combined with samples from PICO-8 (!) and the iconic C64, as well as much […]
A NEW release – No Sleep (the party goes on) – is now available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Beatport, Deezer and many many more streaming services! A cool dance EDM that I had lots of fun creating. Hope you like it! Check it out now!